Mauritius has a stable government and growing economy. Facilities for tourism are well developed. The best way to ensure a carefree and relaxing trip is to prevent problems before they happen. The more you learn about passports, visas, customs, local laws, and other travel basics, the less likely you are to have difficulties during your vacation.
Make sure you have a signed, valid passport. Also, before you go, fill in the emergency information page of your passport! Leave copies of your itinerary, passport data page and visas with family or friends at home, so that you can be contacted in case of an emergency.
While in Mauritius, you should carry photocopies of the relevant pages of your passport and driving licence and leave the original in a safe place.
Medical facilities are available, but more limited than in the United States. Emergency assistance is limited. While public hospitals and clinics provide free care, many visitors may choose to be treated by private doctors and hospitals. Service Aide Medicale Urgence (SAMU) is a government organization that provides ambulance and emergency assistance in response to calls to 114 (Address: Volcy Pougnet Street, Port Louis).
Make sure you have insurance, which will cover your emergency medical needs, while you are overseas.
Although violent crimes are uncommon, thefts on public beaches are a concern, and visitors should keep track of their belongings at all times. There is a potential for pick-pocketing and purse snatching at the central market, crowded outdoor shopping areas, and around the waterfront in Port Louis.
Women, in particular, are advised against walking alone, particularly on public beaches and at night.
Remember, while in a foreign country, you are subject to its laws! You should avoid crowds, political rallies, and street demonstrations. Spearfishing equipment may not be imported into Mauritius. All warm-blooded animals must undergo a minimum quarantine period of six months. Drug trafficking carries severe penalties. Homosexuality is illegal in Mauritius.
Drivers involved in an accident are required by law to remain at the scene until the police arrive. However, if an angry crowd gathers and those involved in the accident feel threatened, police and judicial authorities have in the past not taken action against drivers who leave the scene if they have proceeded directly to a police station.
The official currency is the Mauritian Rupee and one US dollar is worth approximately 30 Rs. ATMs are widely available in most towns in the island and at large shopping centres. Do not carry excessive amounts of money or unnecessary credit cards.
Driving is on the left side of the road. Roads are sometimes narrow and uneven with inadequate lighting, which makes night driving hazardous. Speed limits are posted in kilometers per hour, but all road and traffic signs are posted in English. Drivers and front-seat passengers are required to wear seat belts. Many accidents occur due to excessive speed and violations of road regulations.
Public transportation by bus is available between the main towns until 11:00 p.m. and in remote areas until 6 p.m. Taxis are also available.
The cyclone season in generally extends from November to May.
You may also want to check the Weather page for information about what to pack and when to go.